What you need to know about GDPR data security

All your digital information must be protected from unauthorized access, corruption, theft or unavailability. Data security ranges from the physical security of hardware and storage devices, administrative and access controls, to the security of software applications. An important foundation for data security are your policies and procedures.

We help you with your cyber security challenges

How do you know that your ICT architecture is secure? Are you sure that all your suppliers comply with the required standards? Is your website or web shop safe? Co-Dex.eu offers you some tools to monitor your data security and adjust where necessary. One of these tools are our extensive automatic data vulnerability scans.

Keep an eye on your website with our data security scan

Our automated monthly scans scan your web applications and compile their conclusions on the Co-Dex.eu cloud platform. Some examples of automatic scans:

  • We check for the presence of security headers.
  • We check for some industry standard security measures such as: https, tls versions, cipher algorithms, etc…
  • We check for CVE’s (Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures) such as the presence of a WordPress version with a known security problem.

Do these terms not mean much to you? That is the point exactly! Co-Dex.eu relieves you of the required technical knowledge and jargon. In many cases, you don’t know what to expect from a certain service in terms of secure configuration. Co-Dex.eu imposes clear and understandable instructions to your suppliers.

You, as the responsible party, set a score to be achieved, and it is up to your responsible party (internal or external) to achieve this base in his way. And yes, you are jointly and severally liable if a particular service does not meet standards that have not been properly defined.

Automatic website security scan

Wondering how data security scans take your organization's security to the next level?

Try our data security scans today.
Wondering how data security scans take your organization's security to the next level?
Automatic email security scan

Keep an eye on your email domain with our automatic data security scans

To thoroughly secure your email traffic, you can take several industry-standard measures. We scan your email domain for you and inform your vendor where improvements are needed.

  • We check for the presence of authentication features against phishing. These can be used by your recipients to check the integrity of your emails.
  • We check for the presence of a secure email connection so that your emails cannot be intercepted by attackers during sending.
  • We check your DNS settings so that attackers cannot manipulate your IP address and redirect emails to their own mail server.

One of the most common attacks is the abuse of trust in your brand. Attackers will send emails purportedly from you. With these measures, you can make this much more difficult.

Scan your workstations for insecure configurations.

Your workstations are about the most dynamic attack vectors of your organization. Think about working from home, internet connectivity, access to a lot of systems… Co-Dex.eu helps you to:

  • Monitor your workstations based on scripts.
  • Identify risks without confronting you with the technical complexity.
  • Immediately inform the responsible security administrator.
Workstation security scans

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Ready for a cyber resilience scan?